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Demand for the backyard pools.

The backyard swimming pool has been a love affair for Australians for decades, but the coronavirus outbreak has taken the connection to new heights.

According to the industry, demand for pools and spas has never been stronger.

The largest competition in the business — travel — was eliminated by COVID-19.

However, supply and trade limitations are limiting the sector's expansion and increasing client delays.

Travel, the pool and spa industry's biggest competition, was eliminated by COVID-19.

According to the Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Australia (SPASA), demand for pools and spas has increased by 30 to 50 percent across the country.

SPASA CEO Lindsay McGrath stated, "Demand has never been higher."

"A major benefit from the COVID-19 pandemic has been the desire to renovate houses and have a better quality of life while remaining at home with loved ones."

Industry Booming:

Blue lights illuminate a long, narrow pool.

When travel restrictions were imposed as a result of the pandemic, the pool servicing, construction, and retail industries all suffered.

Then, in 2021, the boom affected businesses all around the country.

Tania Thomson, the office manager at a Townsville pool business, has been extremely busy since then.

"People aren't going on vacations. They're staying at home more these days "she stated

"They're investing money into their backyards and pools because that's where they're going to spend their vacations now."

Terry Dwyer, a fibreglass pool specialist in Townsville, was grateful for having enough stock to meet demand.

"When the boom hit, we had 15 pools. Having that has been a blessing "he stated

"We'll have another 15 to 17 pools arriving in February."

Limits have been reached

The only thing holding back the sector's expansion are trade delays and supply constraints.

Mr McGrath stated, "It would be even higher if we could deliver enough stuff, have enough applications granted, or have enough craftsmen available."

People across the country can have to wait up to a year for a pool or spa installation, according to SPASA.

Emma Peters, regional manager of Master Builders North Queensland, said some businesses believed waiting periods were much longer.

"I was just talking to a pool builder earlier this week and I inquired how long I would have to wait if I wanted to instal the pool," Ms Peters said.

"Depending on how busy some businesses are, you might be lucky to obtain one by Christmas next year."

Some businesses are limiting their future bookings as concrete and steel prices climb.

Ms Thomson stated, "We are fully booked for pre-Christmas construction right now."

"We don't book things six to twelve months ahead of time because we don't know what the prices will be."

Ordering fibreglass pools is also fraught with uncertainty, with businesses having to wait up to 12 weeks for stock to arrive.

Source: Chloe Chomicki, ABC North QLD.Posted Sat 30 Oct 2021 at 10:31amSaturday 30 Oct 2021 at 10:31am, updated Sat 6 Nov 2021 at 12:10pm. ABC News. Demand for backyard pools and spas some sees waiting until next Christmas.

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